

More isn’t always better

Asking forĀ moreĀ engages your powerful relationship with the Universe and abundance. ButĀ moreĀ isn't always what's needed; sometimes more simply brings more noise, externally or internally. Let me give you an example. Watching the Rose Bowl Parade has been a staple of my New Year's Day routine for as long as I can...
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A life transformed

As part of my year-end wrap-up process, I was cleaning up some old files and came across an amazing client transformation story. This story speaks so strongly to how 'more' opens up in ways that we could never expect that I want to share it with each of you. ā€‹...
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Allowing abundance unconditionally

The week after Thanksgiving, I had to say goodbye to my beautiful boy, Hershey Kiss (aka Smersh). While I knew we didn't have a lot of time left together, the decision to let him go had to be made quickly. I've been alternating between deep grief and complete appreciation for...
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The Real Freedom of MORE

Giving yourself permission to have more (time, money, love, or any other form of abundance) is about creating freedom. Freedom from worry Freedom from angst Freedom from beating yourself up Freedom from beating others up (in your mindā€¦) Freedom from conditional love and worthiness Ultimately, it is the freedom to...
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It’s time for MORE!

We are about to dive headfirst into the holiday season which is filled with messages of appreciation, gratitude, and giving. Perhaps that makes this a weird time to start talking with you about MORE. Except this season tends to bring out all of our (not so hidden) feelings and beliefs...
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How do you get something to actually change?

How do we get something to actually change? To have more physical money in the bank account? To have more time in our day? To have more days of connection with our partner? The answer starts out hard to hear, but if you can really hear it, you will have...
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