Feeling Good Matters


Strive.  Push.  Plan.  Make it Happen.  Organize.  Struggle through.  Ignore the pain.  Ignore the fear.  Action.

I’m not 100% sure where and how these verbs and actions became so ingrained in me.  But, there’s a part of me that still feels they are absolutely necessary to create what I want to create in terms of business, prosperity, and making a difference in the world.

I know I’m not the only one.  These actions are so celebrated in our culture.  What is on your to-do list right now?

In the midst of all of these actions, I would bet that “feeling good” is not on the list.  That’s for when all the other actions are completed.  It is to be saved for “when the results” happen.  For when it’s time to celebrate.

And yet, the larger part of me, the part of me that is connected to Source, knows this is backwards.

Creating from a place of trying hard, striving, etc. simply creates more situations where you must try hard, strive, work HARD and more.

I know this first hand.  When I take the time to BE in the emotions of what I want, the Universe responds over and over with the magic, miracles, coincidences, and synchronicities that lead me opportunities I could never have even imagined with joy and ease.

Bottom line: feeling good matters – to my personal life, to my business, to my ability to make a difference in the world.

So the next question that comes up for me is this: if I know this, if I have evidence of this, why don’t I DO it more often?

I have to laugh at myself as I write that sentence because it puts me right back in the “striving” loop that I know doesn’t work!  However, I also know that I want to make “feeling good” a higher priority in my daily life.

To that end, I have decided to embark on a “Feeling Good Matters Experience“.

For the next 30 days, I will purposely start my day in ways that make me feel good.  In addition, throughout the day, I will pay attention to how I am feeling and find a way to shift my thoughts if I notice that I am starting a downward spiral.  The “old” part of me wants to have a full plan – a complete action plan laid out.  But, of course, that is completely opposite to my intention.

Today, I started my morning  listening to Deva Premal’s Prosperity Chant from the album Mantras for Precarious Times.  I followed that with a series of affirmations paired with EFT.  The affirmations focused on feeling my love for the work that I do, appreciating the flow in my life, connecting with my brilliance and choosing to focus on what I want.

I have to say, I do feel good!  For the next 30 days, I’ll be sharing the results of this experience with you.  More importantly, I invite you to participate.  Imagine how different life could be for you if you made a commitment to this same experience?  Come and play with me for the next 30 days.  Write your intention in the comments below and share with me what comes up for you.

Alright, I can’t end this post without giving you a link to the song that has been playing endlessly in my mind since I staarted writing this post.  Any guesses?  Check it out here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWzzu9coljs&feature=related