More Ease, More Abundance
I don't watch much network TV anymore, but as my Fighting Illini men's basketball team dances their way through March Madness, I've had it on - along with all the commercials that brings (yuck). There's a new ad that says, "You can do it hard like a bullfighter...or easy like...
[New Class!] You’re the diner, not the chef
When you go to eat at a restaurant, you're the diner, not the chef. You choose the cuisine, the location of the restaurant, the time you dine, who you dine with, and what you order;Ā you do not go into the kitchen andĀ makeĀ the food. You place your order and expect that...
Stop withholding from yourself
A love letter from Soul: Stop waiting for conditions to be right Stop waiting for the bank accounts to be flush Stop waiting for the scale to have the right number Stop waiting to be in control Stop waiting for the right number of people to sign up for your...
Key to What You Want
Why aren't you getting what you want? Why is there this "thing" (love, money, relationship, time, health) that won't come no matter how hard you work, no matter how many affirmations you say, no matter how many new methods you try? This is your Soul at work. Pulling you toward...
Expecting ,Yearning, or Earning?
What if you knew down to the core of your bones, the root of your Being, that abundance is the universal Truth and scarcity is simply the result of pattern, trauma, and generational wounds? How would your external world shift and change? Stop for a moment and bring to mind...
More isn’t always better
Asking forĀ moreĀ engages your powerful relationship with the Universe and abundance. ButĀ moreĀ isn't always what's needed; sometimes more simply brings more noise, externally or internally. Let me give you an example. Watching the Rose Bowl Parade has been a staple of my New Year's Day routine for as long as I can...