Being the “bad example” can be fruitful!
My coach reached out to me last week asking permission to share the subject matter of my session via a newsletter to her community because my experience was such a perfect example of the process of the “below the surface” transformation necessary to get the results she offers. After erasing the mental image of those old fashion magazine DO / DON’T columns where the person displaying the bad outfit has a black bar across her eyes to protect her identity, I whole heartedly agreed.
The work I’m doing with her appears straightforward: create language around the process you take your clients through so people feel the essence of your work in a fuller way. I came into the work jazzed and certain that I could push the timeframe a bit and get new web copy out soon.
Then I spent a week sitting in front of a blank computer screen. Paralyzed.
Next, I cancelled and rescheduled a coaching appointment (something I NEVER do) because I simply couldn’t do the work (she called me out on that – in the kindest, gentlest of ways – and suggested it was the best time to have an appointment. She was right).
What I discovered in that non-cancelled appointment was that the work of creating the language of my process was calling me to personally work that process in an even deeper way than ever before. Not only that, I was being asked to see and challenge the part of me that is constantly trying to get my words “right” so that I can be seen by my community. The call and the ask were coming directly from my Soul.
When I let go of the NEED to get it right, I was able to see, feel, and celebrate the core essence of my work in a brand new way (because I was seeing, feeling, and celebrating my own core essence in a brand new way). I was surprised and delighted with how this process uncovered aspects of both my work and myself that:
- I couldn’t see yet
- Could not have anticipated or discovered without this period of being paralyzed
- Propelled me into more happiness and joy (neither of which were my stated goals before starting the work BUT were essential to getting to those goals)
Not coincidentally, this is the same work I see my clients going through as they work towards receiving the abundance that has been so illusive.
When you don’t get what you want…and you don’t get what you want…and you don’t get what you want…spiritual LAW (emphasis on LAW intentional) appears to be a literal godsend. All you have to do is focus in the right way, say the right words, do the inspired actions and finally get what you want.
When this doesn’t work to plan, yet again, the heartbreak is real. Not only do you not have what you want, but somehow the cut is even deeper because the spiritual laws don’t seen to apply to you. Just one more experience to prove you aren’t enough (are a mistake, are broken, aren’t seen and heard…insert your core pain here).
At this point, you want to throw it all out: the soul work, the affirmations, talking to the Universe. You become paralyzed in the pain.
AND. This is where the gold is.
The true power and magic of the work of Soul Abundance is listening to the part of yourself that is heartbroken over not having what want…yet. The beliefs you create because you haven’t received what you want. The old stories that come to the surface when you think about asking for what you want. What you believe about yourself because you haven’t received what you want. What you believe about your power to create with the Divine.
Those old beliefs and stories about who you are, are the star of the show because they are what are standing between you and receiving your form of abundance. Being in a state of heartbreak brings them to the surface so they can finally be seen and integrated in a way that brings you more in alignment with your core essence.
Abundance is the output of the relationship between you, Divinity, and the spirit of the type of abundance you want (money, time, health, relationship). Relationships grow when you bring your core essence to them.
Your abundance grows when you bring your core essence to your relationship with Divinity because now you are the conscious leader of that relationship.
Stepping into your core essence is messy and emotional. I give you the safe space and the tools to remember more about your core essence, to remember your Divinity, to step into the conscious leadership of your relationship with abundance, all for the sake of receiving what has been illusive.
Such a sexy offer, right? Come into the pain. And yet, if you are willing, one more time, to sit with this heartbreak, with a trusted guide to keep you from falling into the river of grief, you are able to release the pain of where you are and start reconnecting with your essential self in a way that allows you to dance with universal energy to receive what you want.
Resonating with this? Let’s talk about the ways I work with people and get you the optimal program to receive your abundance. Schedule on my calendar here: