Life isn’t Pass or Fail

I’ve been immersed in a Chinese medicine-based body healing course for the last month. The program is designed to learn from and drain a substance in our body that starts as protection but ultimately ends up creating dis-ease in the body.
What I’ve been hearing from my body is that one of the ways this substance started supporting me was in an attempt to soften the feeling of failing – being a failure. Now, this isn’t exactly a news flash, I recognize that pattern, one that I have put in a lot of work to release.
And yet, clearly, there are still roots.
How could there not be?
Our culture is based on passing or failing.
Do you have the right amount of money for retirement?
Did your latest program or offering garner the right amount of sales?
Does your body match the (airbrushed and manipulated) magazine image?
Are you eating the right kind of food so that you won’t get sick later in life?
Does your job title bring respect?
Are you serving the world in the best way you know how?
Are you giving enough?
Are you nurturing others enough?
Are you living your purpose enough?
If you don’t, you are wrong. You must hold this knowing of being wrong until you prove yourself as right.
Somewhere in our psyches is this decision that we get what we want as a reward for doing and/or being the right kind of human.
But that is our HUMAN mind’s decision. Not our Soul’s.
Money is not a reward for being the right kind of person
Health is not a reward for being the right kind of person
Love is not a reward for being the right kind of person
Abundance of any kind is simply the divine in physical form.
You are divinity cloaked in human form. You are the right kind of person simply because you exist here on the planet.
Take the pass/fail out of your belief structure and you will open the gate to your riches – whether those riches look like money, health, or love.
Let’s talk about how working together can help that shift happen more gently and quickly for you. Schedule a time on my calendar here.