The Ultimate Lemons to Lemonade Process


Abundance is having more than enough of what you desire at a core level, whether that is money, time, health, freedom, or love.

Abundance Heartbreak is the space of deep sorrow and grief that happens that thing you desire that is calling you – that you just know is SUPPOSED to be a part of your experience – doesn’t come and doesn’t come and doesn’t come.

Maybe you have been able to create only enough financial abundance to meet your needs, but not your dreams. Maybe you have a message for the world but cannot create a business structure that brings those people to you in a financially stable way. Maybe you long to be seen and heard by your community, but are only hearing crickets when you put your offers out. Maybe you ache for a long-term relationship but nothing lasts. Maybe your body keeps failing in ways that astound you.

Of course, pain and grief happen with the loss or not achieving, but the deepest heartbreak happens because we make it mean that there is something wrong with our essential nature, or that we are wrong for wanting it in the first place.

When you are heartbroken, you have a tendency to turn away, to do anything you can to push away the painful feelings, to step into action to MAKE what you want come to you. However, it is the very opposite that creates lasting change and tangible shifts in your present moment life.

What is required is to sit down, face to face with this part of you that is so hurt and terrified. Invite this part of you to voice her fears, her emotions, her needs. Honor and acknowledge her, as she is. To tell her she makes sense.

When you do this work, you begin to understand that this heartbreak is indicative of your human experience, not a failing of your Soul, of your essence. You can take a deep breath into a space that was breathless and feel the seeds of possibility being planted.

When you are in a state of grief, you feel fully disconnected from the Divine and your own divinity. Disconnected from the magic of the Universe. You feel left behind. Separate. As if there is something wrong with you. In this state of being, it is next to impossible to hear your Soul’s wisdom.

You know that you cannot create what you want from this place, but you are thoroughly stuck in your experience of the pain. Part of you knows that to have a new life experience, you need to work through this pain, but it is terrifying to think about diving into that place of heartbreak, feeling as if you’ll be sucked in and overwhelmed.

What I know to be true is this place of heartbreak is one of the most sacred places within us. Here, in the middle of this pain and suffering are all the pieces of your Soul’s wisdom, showing you the path forward. Showing you the mental decisions you’ve made about yourself and your relationship with Soul and the Universe that are blocking your path forward.

When you are willing – one more time – to sit with this heartbreak, with a trusted guide to keep you from falling into the river of grief, you can release the pain of where you are and start reconnecting with your essential self in a way that allows you to dance with universal energy to receive what you want.

I simultaneously witness you in your heartbreak and grief, honoring and acknowledging this place and see your wholeness and completeness, holding absolute knowing of your worthiness and deserving of having what you want.

When we face the heartbreak together using release tools like EFT, you can stand in the heartbreak, honor & acknowledge it, and then release it. Instead of bypassing it, we are healing the heartbreak and hearing its wisdom.

This is the ultimate lemons into lemonade transformation – taking the sadness and heartbreak, listening to its wisdom, and coming out the other side, more at peace, having a deeper felt-sense of your absolute worthiness, and more magnetic to that core abundance desire.

Ready to make your lemons into lemonade?

End Your Heartbreak Special – we will focus on your specific Abundance Heartbreak, tap into its wisdom, and identify and heal the old mental decisions you’ve made about yourself and your relationship with Soul and the Universe that are blocking your path forward. You will come out of the sessions with a renewed sense of possibility and expectation of receiving your core desire.

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