Profound Shifts Toward Abundance


During a session today, I had a client say to me: “I’m always so surprised about what comes out when I talk with you!”

That is not an unusual thing for me to hear. We all have so much that happens in our day to day experience that we simply cannot process. For better or for worse, our body/mind has an efficient way of storing what we cannot process.

For better because life is always life-ing AND we need to live; we need to move forward with all that has to be done on a daily basis.

For worse because as these unprocessed emotions and experiences get tucked away in our cells, they become the roots of our vibration, our body’s frequency. That frequency is what determines what we receive from the Universe. Since the body is so efficient at tucking away the unprocessed emotions, we may not even be completely aware of what is creating our frequency.

While we don’t need to go ‘dumpster diving’, meaning we don’t have to try to excavate every single challenging thought or emotion, having a practice that releases old junk from our cells is paramount to changing how we receive from the Universe.

Surface-level LOA or manifesting processes do not address the old frequencies stored in our cells.

What I’ve seen is that most LOA and manifesting tools work on too superficial a level to be consistently effective, and can even deepen someone’s sense that they are falling short or not enough because they are “doing the work”, but not receiving the results.

Where are you beating up on yourself because you haven’t been able to receive the abundance you most desire?

Is it possible that you are simply holding a frequency opposite to your desire that you haven’t yet released?

Can you have love and compassion for yourself, right now, in this moment, even before you’ve made the shift?

From that space of love and compassion, what can your Soul share with you about what is ready to go? What is ready to be released?

My work in the world is to help spiritual women make the really profound spiritual, energetic, and mental shifts that dramatically change their ability to make real progress on the thing they long for and experience more abundance in all areas of their lives.

Reach out if you are ready for assistance to make those profound shifts and schedule a time on my calendar to explore how I can support