How will 2025 be different?


Happy 2025! May this be a year of sustained and joyful abundance for you and all those important to you.

What would that feel like? To have sustained abundance? Joyful abundance?

In this season of light, of creating words or themes of the year, that feeling state is easier both to create and believe. I hear so many people declare, “THIS is my year,” and I feel the truth of that statement resonating throughout their entire being.

However, by mid-January, that feeling state is muted at best.

If you want sustained and joyful abundance throughout the year, the first step is to have the structure in place to keep stepping into the feeling state. Remember, your feeling state, your frequency, is your communication with the Universe. It’s not about being positive, per se, it is about being open or closed to the flow of Divine resources.

Structure happens to be my word and theme of the year; internal structure. I am not talking simply about goals and plans. Rather, I am talking about boosting my internal structure to match what I know and feel from Source more fully. To know, down to each individual cell of my body, that:

  • I am a full drop of the Divine
  • I am enough, just as I am in the moment
  • That I can rest in Trust
  • I am rooted in abundance
  • I am love
  • I am cherished and adored by Divinity

My commitment to myself is twofold:

  1. Use the tools I have to anchor these Truths deeply
  2. Take external action from this state of Truth (rather than from a place of fear, anxiety, or hustle)

Doing these two steps will ensure that I maintain my feeling of sustained and joyful abundance and that the tangible evidence of abundance is showing up regularly.

What is your commitment to yourself?

What are your tools for creating an internal structure that supports your absolute knowing that 2025 is a year of sustained and joyful abundance? Would you like to be witnessed in your commitments? Reply to this email and let me know what your commitments are!

Preview of Coming Attractions

I am putting the finishing touches on a brand-new product designed to help you create your internal structure for a sustained flow of money. Coming January 29th: Tapping Into Money – transform your relationship with wealth. I’ll have more to share in the upcoming weeks.

Click here for a sneak peek!